Python program that will act as a calculator Flowchart

Pseudo Code for Python Calculator

Prompt for first number
Read first number and store in variable
Display operations (1-add, 2-subtract, 3-multiply, 4-divide)
Prompt for operation
Read operation and store in variable
Prompt for second number
Read second number and store in variable
If operation is equal to 1 (add)
Add first number to second number and store result in variable
Otherwise if operation is equal to 2 (subtract)
Subtract second number from first number and store result in a variable
Otherwise if operation is equal to 3 (multiply)
Multiply first number with second number and store result in a variable Other wise if operation is equal to 4 (divide)
Divide first number by the second number and store result in a variable
Otherwise exit program
Display the result stored in the variable
Exit the program

Flowchart for Python Calculator





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